Contact Us

Looking to solve your TV or Antenna connectivity issue? Get in touch for a free personalised quote!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to quote?

Due to our advanced troubleshooting methods, most of our quotes will be completed within 10 minutes from us walking through your door, and your reception will be picture perfect within the day!

Can you fix my antenna today?

Definitely! We pride ourselves on same-day service. Once we have quoted, if you are happy for us to go ahead with the job, we will complete it within the day!

Is the quote/callout free?

All of our quotes and callouts are 100% free.

When will you be able to quote me?

We do our absolute best to arrive within the day you request a quote, however, if we are experiencing increased requests or in a period of high demand this could go up. If you’re unsure, request a free callback and we’ll be able to let your know!

Do you guarantee your work?

All of our work is guaranteed, should you have any issues in the future, please call us immediately to have the issue sorted. Thanks!

My reception is pixelated during a storm?

This could be due to a faulty cable or an outdated Antenna. Without seeing the exact issue it could be a variety of issues. In the meantime, read our blog post on reception cutting out during a storm or high wind. Additionally, get a free quote and we can solve your problem today!